Neat Tricks from other Libs

Small tricks and small usage libs I had no other place to put on


Displaying audio

t = np.linspace(0,5,44100*5)
sine = np.sin(2*np.pi*520*t)
audio = Audio(sine, rate=44100)


Displaying Progress Bar

HTML style

pb = ProgressBar(12)
for _ in pb: time.sleep(0.5)

Old school

for i in range(11):
    pb.progress = i
    print('\r', pb, sep='', end='')
[==================================================          ] 10/12

Changing ProgressBar properties

pb2 = ProgressBar(35)
pb2.html_width = '70ex'
pb2.text_width = 50
for i in range(11):
    pb2.progress = i
    print('\r', pb2, sep='', end='')
[==============                                    ] 10/35

Displaying HTML

html = '''<table>
    <td>Easy to implement, widely used, suitable for continuous data</td>
    <td>Assumes normal distribution, may not work well for small sample sizes</td>
    <td>Easy to implement, widely used, suitable for continuous data</td>
    <td>Assumes normal distribution, may not work well for small sample sizes, requires equal variances</td>
    <td>Works well for both continuous and discrete data, does not assume normal distribution</td>
    <td>May be computationally expensive for large datasets, may not work well for high-dimensional data</td>
    <td>Wasserstein distance</td>
    <td>Works well for both continuous and discrete data, does not assume normal distribution</td>
    <td>May be computationally expensive for large datasets, may not work well for high-dimensional data</td>
    <td>Can detect both magnitude and direction of drift, suitable for both continuous and categorical data</td>
    <td>May be sensitive to small changes, may require a large reference dataset</td>
Method Pros Cons
KS-test Easy to implement, widely used, suitable for continuous data Assumes normal distribution, may not work well for small sample sizes
t-test Easy to implement, widely used, suitable for continuous data Assumes normal distribution, may not work well for small sample sizes, requires equal variances
Jensen-Shannon Works well for both continuous and discrete data, does not assume normal distribution May be computationally expensive for large datasets, may not work well for high-dimensional data
Wasserstein distance Works well for both continuous and discrete data, does not assume normal distribution May be computationally expensive for large datasets, may not work well for high-dimensional data
PSI Can detect both magnitude and direction of drift, suitable for both continuous and categorical data May be sensitive to small changes, may require a large reference dataset

Display Math expressions

Math('$ {x_{a}}^2$')

\(\displaystyle {x_{a}}^2\)

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pa.FAILSAFE = True
w,h = pa.size()

def moveWithin():
    pa.moveTo(random.randint(0,w),random.randint(0,h), duration=2)

while True:
    except pa.FailSafeException:
        print(f"Stopping with the randomness 'cause: {pa.FailSafeException}")
Stopping with the randomness 'cause: <class 'pyautogui.FailSafeException'>
Point(x=0, y=1079)


Find differences between two texts

t1 = 'She sells seashells in Seychelles'
t2 = 'She shells seysells in Seachelles'
diff = Redlines(t2, t1)

She shells seysells sells seashells in SeachellesSeychelles

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